Friday, December 21, 2007

My So Called Drama of a Life

I'm back from the "west" and have many fond memories of my week of new experiences. I'm not sure what any of them mean for the future, but all I know is that each experience taught me something new about myself and life. Myself: I'm crazy. Life: It's unpredictable.

I also learned that vests are not permitted in California- why? I happen to like my puffy vest. I was very discouraged when I was told on a number occasions that I could NOT go out in public wearing my puffy blue vest. East-coasters speak out- our fashion is just as legitimate!

Lastly I learned that no matter how much I want life to look a certain way- it never does. I can hope and plan- but life doesn't bend to my desire- it bends my desire.


Elli said...

i can't wait to see you. and to hear all about your trip.

jgibbs said...

I'll see you soon I'm sure :)