Let's get personal. I have a boyfriend. AND he's pretty great. This is the first time I've talked about him on "here." We've been "dating" for 2 months now. He doesn't live in Baltimore, but he'll be here this spring. SO- my friends, you can get to know him. Any questions?
yeah. can i have one, too? ok, great! thanks!
haha, I'm not sure how much help I can be with that
Aww ... you're so sweet. But I mean, REALLY ... could you PICK a more gay picture?!? [sigh] You're killing me, Smalls....
does he like The Sandlot?...would be a waste of a question.
Yes I believe he does.
yaaaaay i can't wait to meet him!
But you touched my butt at the party.. that doesn't mean anything to you?
lanny that was suppose to be a secret... Thanks a lot!
yeah Jer, and then we slept in the same bed...talk about confusing!
Come on guys! I've been known to send confusing signals, but I'm a one guy kind of guy, so lay off me
but you told me to lay on you!
oh charlie :)
hater. you're a hater.
Lanny I think you're taking this a little too personal. That touch we shared together at your house was a one night thing. I'm a tease not a hater.
lets try and post a little more frequently... you and me both mmmkay?
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