It was pretty amazing. Martin O'Malley was right next to her along with Anthony Brown the LT. Governor. The crowd roared for her and I found myself brought to tears. When she spoke she spoke with strength and certainty. I found myself drawn to her ideals and inspired by her policies. Everything she talked about and everything she stood for tonight are areas of great importance to me. I would love to see universal health care, and the war in Iraq end. She also spoke of equality, which whispered hope to my happy ears. She seemed so distant before, like a person I had never met. But after tonight she seemed like a friend of many years, one that I trust and one that echoes my same values.

I'm still not positive whether I will be voting for Obama or Hillary. Maybe I will have a better understanding after seeing Obama tomorrow night.
I can't fully explain what happened in me tonight, but what I can say is that I am encouraged and excited for a president. This election isn't about picking the lesser of two evils. Tuesday is about picking one of two great candidates. And imagine that, the possibility of two great presidents. I'm excited...